Friday, September 09, 2011

Missed Opportunities

Heartwarming story re: dude with suspiciously-sounding made-up name reunited with lost guitar:
Foster McGinty no longer weeps - the guitar he lost on a city subway has been returned by a good Samaritan.  McGinty, 26, who lost his Fender Stratocaster on a Manhattan-bound L train several weeks ago, was true to his word yesterday when he met the man who turned it in.  The golden-locked musician gave the good Samaritan, Jeff Grzybowski, the $1,500 reward he had promised in a Daily News story last month.
"Golden locked"?  This is what journalism has come to?  Filling up space with notes about some guy's hair? Really?  Gee, can I get some info on his breath? Also, guess what: IT'S NOT GOLDEN!  It's brown!

I hope that wasn't a dog on the fact that the "hero" is not only bald, but looks like a Martian.  Good lord, dude.  Get a hat.  With a veil - you're scaring little children, bro.

But this is the part I really love:
He added that some of the $1,500 will go toward Angelina's college fund.
Oh, for fuck's sake - "some"? Really? By the time his 7 year-old daughter goes to college, the entire $1500 could pay for about 3 minutes of it.  Why not say something interesting instead, like ""$1500? That's a lotta lap dances."  Or instead of saying it'll go toward his daughter's college, say it's going towards her tongue piercing, which will "really give the boys a treat."  I mean, for fuck's sake, if it was me, I'd say "oh, I guess I'll buy a lot of porn - and not that pussy American stuff, I mean some of that hardcore German shit-play stuff with wooden clothes-pins for nipple clamps, knowwhatImean?"

Life rarely presents chances for greatness.  Don't blow them when they appear.

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