Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Nine Years Ago Today

One of my WEDDING GREATEST HITS occurred:
4) Wedding D (fall 2002) – my sister’s wedding. Now this was one wedding where there was NOTHING BUT YOUNG, HOT, SINGLE GIRLS. NO one seemed to have a date. If I play it cool, there’s no way I’m not scoring with one of these lovely young ladies. “Okay” I thought “this is your little sister’s wedding. If there’s ever a wedding to NOT make a fool of yourself, this is the one.” God bless me, I almost made it. But of course after being a perfect gentleman thoughout the wedding, the reception got the best of me and I found myself cornering a girl and saying “Look, you’re gonna fuck SOMEbody tonight, it might as well be me.” A line that might’ve gone over a bit better had it not been my sister’s boss. Sigh. WEDDINGS 4, XMASTIME 0


UkaLith said...

some of your wedding greatest hits occurred at our wedding almost 13 years ago as I recall . . .

Xmastime said...

wow, are you right! i'd love to get that videotape of Sean and his Chicago crowd....! :)

UkaLith said...

I seem to recall some pants dropping at the friday night party and also you dancing with my mom at the reception and then throwing her on the floor. good times.

Xmastime said...

sigh. the 90s - we were just kids! ;)