Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Noises That Made Pop

Here's a list of The 40 Noises That Built Pop.

11) Freakouts
The Beatles: A Day In The Life (1967)
"Do anything!" is a convenient musical order that generally occurs when  all other potential ideas have been exhausted. Improvised solos are one  thing, but everyone playing whatever they like, simultaneously, is quite  another. The cacophonies you hear in A Day In The Life and Pink Floyd's  Jugband Blues are mild-mannered compared to the ferocious guitar  pummelling and cymbal hammering that you hear in Silver Rocket by Sonic  Youth, but the do-anything freakout is now standard fare at the end of  live performances by many rock bands:  Blang-blang-dug-a-dug-a-dug-a-blaaaaaang/extended drum roll/cymbal  crash/"Thank you, goodnight!"

I respectfully submit an even BETTER example of a "freakout", Marah's The Closer, which features a part with a certain lovable, huggable blogger whom some know as a raconteur whirling dervish with a dick the size of a clown  shoe who has a six-inch tongue and can breathe out of his ear:

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

That was cool, but it devolved into a most sampled list. Kinds like music has devolved into the shit that's on the radio today. And why not put the Funky Drummer drum part on this list - like a third of the rap world has used it at some point or another.