Friday, September 09, 2011

Oh, For Fuck's Sake

THIS IS THE SHIT that drives me crazy re: letting the pendulum swing back to far in the wrong direction, thanks in part to "our family values":
It looks like Rep. Anthony Weiner might have lost the Democrats a seat in the House. The Republican candidate, Bob Turner, has a strong lead going into Tuesday's special election to replace the disgraced congressman. Fifty percent of likely voters in New York's ninth congressional district support Turner, while only 44 percent support Assemblyman David Weprin, the Democratic candidate. Weprin was the strong favorite to win. The district has three registered Democrats for every Republican voter, and Weiner defeated Turner by 22 percent last year. Turner framed the special election as a referendum on President Obama.
The district is overwhelmingly Democratic, and Weiner was one of the most liberal Democrats in Congress, which people in his district seemed to like.  But instead of now voting in a candidate that's as close to Weiner as possible, along with having learned from Weiner's mistake, they're voting in the guy who goes against their own interests, presumably to show everybody how God-fearin' and family-lovin' they are, unlike the Satanist dick-pic taker.

Anthony Weiner taking pictures of his dick affected exactly nobody other than Weiner, his wife, and whomever he sent them to.  Meanwhile, voting in a dyke (anti-Weiner...get it? I JUST MADE THAT UP!!!!!) affects thousands and thousands of people's actual lives.  What a fucking shame.   This is like someone getting booted out of Congress in West Texas, and replacing him with me.

I told the motherfucker not to quit, and this is what happens when you don't listen to me.

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