Friday, September 16, 2011

Oh, For Fuck's Sake

"I voted for the black guy and what we got was the white guy," - Michael Moore
I don't know if that's racist, as TNC says it is, (tho yes, it is) but it seems pretty stupid more than anything else.  Congress is a notoriously stuffy group of old, entitled white men; what exactly did Moore think Obama was gonna do?  Strut in with an afro and egg everybody into a Motown sing-a-long complete with "old white guy doing a hip-hop dance" scenes, and then beguiling them with some voodoo and his mojo-fied afro-cock, all while a sense of humanity and compassion for those different from themselves settles on everyone?  For fuck's sake, it's the fucking presidency, not Remember the Titans.  What an idiot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

perhaps a tap dance or maybe one of those Al Jolson numbers...'Mammy how I love ya' on bended knee with hands outstretched?