Friday, September 09, 2011

Quit Crying About Joe Walsh

People are giving Rep. Joe Walsh shit for being a deadbeat dad and hypocrite:
The House GOP’s resident deadbeat dad Rep. Joe Walsh (IL) owes his ex-wife and three children over $117,000 in child support. While slamming President Obama and GOP leaders for placing “debt upon the backs of my kids and grandkids,” Walsh decided to loan his own campaign $35,000 (and even pay himself back at least $14,200 in loans) before paying child support. His defense? He “had no money.” Six days after this story broke, Walsh filed a motion demanding that his ex-wife Laura pay his attorney’s fees.
I think we all need to take a breath and get off the guy's back.  For fuck's sake, this is the guy that fucking wrote Rocky Mountain Way and Life's Been Good; this guy doesn't owe nobody nuthin.'  He's also the only member of the Eagles who even remotely seems like he'd be fun to hang out with, so enough bitching about him not forking a buncha dough over to his bitch wife and greedy little kids, who'll get it all when he kicks off anyway. 

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