Tuesday, October 25, 2011

At Home with the Glynns

Outta bed this morning I saw this WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE: MONET vs MANET?

It immediately gnawed at me that I'd seen the exact same question somewhere in the past, and after a quick perusal through my personal bibliothequé I was giddy to find it in a book from my beloved Peter Leroy books, At Home with the Glynns:

"No, not an exhibitionist," said my mother. "That's something else. An expressionist."
"I know what you mean," said Mrs, Vernon, reaching out toward my mother. "I can never tell the difference between Monet and Manet."
I grabbed it to read again on the train home from work, and was pleasantly surprised to remember that, while not my SUPERSLICE of SUPERSLICES Little Follies: The Personal History, Adventures, Experiences & Observations of Peter Leroy, At Home with the Glynns might actually be an even better intro to Eric Kraft, as he lays out his Proustian writing style very clearly in the beginning, even including a story about breakfast rolls that is obviously an homage to Proust's madelines. And, of course, laugh-out-loud funny.

Buy these books!!  :)

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