Monday, October 10, 2011

Brake Pedal

This guy here sums up what I've been feeling re: our overreach to eulogize Steve Jobs (click through to see all the cringe-worthy homages, it's worth the time.  Wow.)  I don't begrudge what anyone would say about Steve Jobs' greatness, not that I really give a shit, but I wonder how much of the Steve Job was God stuff has spun off exponentially simply because of the Internet, combined with our demand for treacle.  We see one tribute we wanna top it etc etc.  Yes, he made a ton of money helping invent a bunch of shit that we've convinced ourselves we can't live without, until 6 months later when we simply HAVE to get the newer version.  And we all like his "from the garage as a true artist" life story.  But fucking enough already.  Changed the world?  I don't remember all the boo-hooing when Robert C. Baker died.

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