Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fuck You, Sox-Loving Media

As I've written before, the media (fuck you, Joe Buck) likes to portray the Red Sox as scrappy, overachieving workaholics who play the game "the right way" while getting paid in ham sandwiches and the knowledge that their work ethic would get them into heaven, versus the Upper East Side robotic bashers known as the Yankees who are corporate hacks merely cashing huge paychecks.

Meanwhile hey, whaddya know, turns out the Red Sox are a team of douchebags happy to sit on their stuffed wallets while they spiraled into the biggest collapse in MLB history.  Gee. I guess they're not all noble white knights after all.
The indifference of Beckett, Lester, and Lackey in a time of crisis can be seen in what team sources say became their habit of drinking beer, eating fast-food fried chicken, and playing video games in the clubhouse during games.

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