Sunday, October 09, 2011

Happy Birthday

To my mother.  Of course much of the focus today will be on it also being John Lennon's birthday, and deservedly so since he was awesome and helped change the world in a  small way.  But was John Lennon ever playing Scrabble with his second-eldest son and reacted when his husband farted from across the room by yelling "Gahddammit, that's disgusting, knock it off!" before allowing a few seconds of silence to pass and then cutting one himself?  I don't think so! 

Mamatime 1, John Lennon 0    ;)


Marley said...

Um, what the fuck? John Winston Lennon, Marley (also a JWL) and who gets the remembrance? Your mother?????

Xmastime said...

i blather on and on about Lennon every day, and you know how worked up and blubbery id get if i mentioned you, so. ;)