Saturday, October 08, 2011


The timing of the whole Bank of America creating a $5/mo. debit card fee is curious, since it coincides almost perfectly with their laying off tens of thousands of employees.  I mean, you'd think it'd be one or the other, not both.  And yet here we are once again reminding ourselves that over three years ago I hit the whole corporate opportunism thing on the head.  Boing!


the gnat said...

It also coincides with enormous restrictions and regulation levied by washngton. You dont think a corporation would pass on their losses to the public. Inconthievable!!!!

Xmastime said...

Sylvester the Cat is a Republican!?!?!?!

The Gnat said...

I was thinking of Princess Bride. Was that inconsiderate to lispers? I just like the idea of thievery added in.