Thursday, October 20, 2011

In America

Obama's Jobs Bill is wildly popular with the public and would put almost half a million people to work immediately, so of course it has absolutely no chance of passing.
In an earlier time, in normal times, when legislators used to behave the way legislators are supposed to behave, the minority’s leaders would have brought the price tag down, made the majority and the White House agree to something they wanted—peeling back one of those EPA regulations the Republicans hate—and we’d have had a deal. The minority would never have confronted the very premise. It was a priority of the president, which used to matter, at least sometimes, and more persuasively than that, the minority would have actually paid a bit of attention to those polls showing the American people backed this.
Of course.  Thankfully, since she's a great American and wants to keeps our minds away from this shit Jenny McCarthy is oddly hotter today than she was 20 years ago.  Thanks, Jenny.  (oops....I made a mess.)

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