Wednesday, October 19, 2011

In a Word, Yes.

Look, the brilliance of the Republican Party is that it no longer even tries to pretend it's about anything other than protecting the billionaire.  It's VERY upfront that if you're not a billionaire white male who preferably made his fortune "the American way," ie inheritence, you are the problem against which any GOP president will work tirelessly to destroy.  If you are a woman, or black, or a government employee, or someone who's foolish enough to believe that if you "work hard enough" you'll get a piece of the pie, the GOP has been VERY upfront in telling you it has no room for you.


Come November, whoever the nominee is will start at 50 million votes.  The GOP works 24/7 to let you know that unless you're Bill Gates it's desperately hoping to grab your house/pension, and yet it will START with 50 million votes.  Ron Paul is FURIOUS! an agency exists to make sure that people who make ground chuck can't pad their numbers with e-colic giraffe doo-doo; meanwhile, I don't think there are 50 million people who have the portfolio Bill Gates has.  But there are 49,999,999 people demanding to be treated as idiots, which we see both in their candidates for president and their frustration every time Mitt Romney makes sense.

The GOP has not only made it's voters fools, it's made them DEMAND to be fools; Oliver Twists demanding the gruel in their bowl be given to Queen Victoria.  And that's the genius of the GOP: they've not only made it so their battered wives stick with them, but that they demand to be battered.  This is to their credit, and something to be admired in a perverse way.  The opposite of course is that Obama has lowered everybody's taxes and suggested that healthcare be affordable so no one loses his home because of a toothache, and the very people that voted him in have "had it!" with him.


Marley said...

"or a person of color"

Oh. My. God.

You're banned.

Xmastime said...

that is gay. corrected! (this comment vetted and approved by MARLEY, as obviously Xmastime is banned)