Monday, October 17, 2011

Is This a Fucking Joke?

This person writes Things I Learned About George Harrison from Scorcese's doc.

Okay. It's always good for me to learn.  Then she writes that she is a "lifelong Beatles fan." As one myself, I'm interested in seeing what she learned, since I didn't learn anything new.  Here's a few she came up with:

- That he wrote Something.
- That he was spiritual.
- That he was funny, meaning she never watched A Hard Day's Night.
- He produced a coupla films, including Life of Brian.
- He "put his mark on Beatles songs."  As opposed to standing around for all those years, I suppose.

What? Are you shitting me?  DIDN'T KNOW HE WROTE SOMETHING??!?!?!

But then, what do you expect from someone whose favorite Beatles song is Do You Want to Know a Secret...AND DIDN'T FUCKING KNOW GEORGE HARRISON SANG IT!!!!!

For fuck's sake.  YOU ARE NOT A "LIFELONG BEATLES FAN!!!!"

(head exploding)

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