Saturday, October 29, 2011

John Lennon

It's pretty amazing to think about how much the world changed based on the decision of a 5 year-old kid:
Alf then put his 5 year old son into a terrible dilemma, asking John to choose between him and his mother. After deciding to stay with his father, John then ran after his mother as she left, calling for his Daddy to join them. He would not see his father again for almost 20 years.
Of course, the oldest story in the world ensues: boy goes with mother, mother leaves him with her sister while living just down the street, boy has no idea his mother lives a few blocks away until ten years later, finally gets to know her, she teaches him guitar chords on a banjo, she gets run over by a car and killed, boy meets Paul McCartney and goes on to being part of the biggest band ever, puts out an album showing his dick and his fugly nekked Japanese wife, puts out some shitty solo records, the shittiness of which is only surpassed by his youngest son's later lame-o efforts, then gets plugged 5 times in the back by a nerd who read The Catcher in the Rye too many times - I mean, really, how many times have we heard this one about so and so?  Meanwhile, imagine how different the world would be if he HAD chosen his father in the end.  Historically, musically, culturally, financially - entire industries and careers were created because of John Lennon.  Which would've made him a Noble Jobs Creator, meaning the Tea Party would've co-opted him ("Noble Jobs Creator" transcends "Hippy"), giving the Tea Party, incredibly, half of the fucking Beatles.

All because of the whims of a five year-old boy.  Ain't that something.  And yes, you're correct in assuming Lennon's father being "Alf" is a great excuse to watch this, as it looks like a young John is letting one rip below.

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