Thursday, October 06, 2011

Obama Needs to Get a Fucking Sack.

Last year HERE I wrote:
He's not closing Gitmo. He's still fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. You can take your guns to church in some states, and I'm "guessing" he'll lose the "battle" against the Bush tax cuts. He let "Obamacare" be whittled down to "water in hospitals can't have visible rust."  Bailoutgate and TARP were started by Bush, so he didn't actually invent spending. He still won't let fags openly serve in the military and hell, he even kept a Clinton out of the White House.

Someone needs to explain to me why Republicans hate him so much. 
And now we see this.  For fucking sake.

Attention, Barry (I know you read every day.):  THEY DON'T LIKE YOU!  And, no matter what you do, THEY WILL NEVER LIKE YOU!!!  You can pass out blowjobs wrapped in Peter Luger's steak, and they will not like you.  So quit doing their fucking job for them, for nothing in return.  Fucking christ.  Republicans should get Obama to buy a funeral home, because then they'd never fucking die.

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