Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Oh, Dick

As I've said before, Richard Cohen is an incredibly stupid man, but for some reason the Daily News prints whatever re-used mashup of old, tired words he types out on his Smith-Corona.  I'm guessing he has pictures of Mort Zuckerman blowing Raoul, the nighttime stockboy.

Today Cohen really blows the roof off with this: IRAN IS CRAAAAZZZZZEEEEEEEE!!  Wow!  They're leadership is "irrational"!!  Ohmygod!!!  THAT's never been spun over and over a thousand times by breathless conservatives screaming at Obama to bomb them back to the Middle Ages   where they exist today.  Launch National Panic, NOW! You DID it, Richard!!  What hot, fresh stuff!!!  Also: the French are surrender-monkeys!  BOOM!!

Also, who is he writing this for? Why is this in the op-ed pages - what the fuck does he expect ME to do?  Oh wait - is it for Obama? "Hey guys, I was reading Richard Cohen this morning, can someone get me some info on Iran? Turns out they might be WHACKY!!!"

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