Friday, October 28, 2011

Oh, For Fuck’s Sake

I don't have any personal outrage for Bernie Madoff as he was just ripping off members of his own Members Only Billionaire Club (I get word if I'm in by 4pm today!!), but I am annoyed that ever since he showed up, the phrase "ponzi scheme" is the go-to phrase whenever some stupid, lazy politician wants to scare other stupid people without having to put any thought into it.  Obama's got an idea about student loans? Ponzi scheme.  Democrats raising taxes? Ponzi scheme.  They're trying to say Newt's on his third wife? Ponzi scheme.  The Holocaust never happened, it was just a Ponzi scheme. And on and on and fucking on.  Fucking christ.  How'd Obama's beloved White Sox win 79 games this year? Ponzi scheme!!  Obama's dick is bigger than yours? Ponzi scheme!

Thanks a fucking lot, Bernie.

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