Monday, October 17, 2011

Ron Paul Has Got to Fucking Go

This ad released by Ron Paul makes such little sense, it's beyond incomprehensible.  First of all, this claim that he "just never could get behind the notion that life isn't valuable."  What?  Whose notion is this? Is there a "life just isn't valuable" group I'm not aware of?  Oh, let me guess, is this "group" otherwise known as "Democrats"? Of course!  I should know, it's my turn to bring the éclairs to the next meeting, during which we throw lawn-darts at passing pregnant women.

And his tone is such that he wants to convey "gee, I wish I COULD get behind that notion, it would be an easier path, but I am just too gosh-darn much of a Christian."

I'm no expert on abortions, but as far as I know it entails killing a fetus and then extracting it or some variation thereof; I would think "performing a cesarean and removing a live baby who is well enough to cry" is "giving birth", and not "an abortion."  At that point, I'm guessing it's simply not legal for doctors to say "well, the original intention was an abortion, so we can just stick it in a bucket until it dies, anyone up for some Arby's?"  It's beyond all comprehension and reason that such a thing would occur, no matter how bad shape the baby was in.  I'd love to track down these doctors and get their side, although "something tells me" these doctors never existed. Paul gives us a rare hat trick with this fucking thing: you can either be horrified at his behavior on the day the story happened, his behavior now in wearing it like a badge of honor, or that he thinks you're stupid enough to believe the thing happened in the first place. 

And of course if he sees a live baby being born and tossed in a bucket to die, why would a doctor so vehemently opposed to life "not being valuable" simply continue walking down the hallway, where he seemed to have the time on his hands to stand around and watch a team of doctors desperately fight to save another baby, as opposed to the evil, unfeeling doctors in the other room happily killing babies?  If he really did such a thing, shouldn't he at least have the sense to be embarrassed about it rather than wear it on his sleeve like a badge of honor?  Are you kidding me?  THIS is really how crazy his base has become?  Can we turn lunacy into fuel and solve our energy crisis?

I understand he's an old cranky fuck wandering around in a haze of oblivious bitterness about the job he presently has existing, but as for his handlers, whoever let Grandpa McCranky unleash this should be fired.

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