Wednesday, October 05, 2011


Looks like there's a new Muppet in town:
A new poverty-stricken Muppet will highlight the issue of hunger struggles on an episode of "Sesame Street", the show said in a statement on Tuesday.

Pink-faced Muppet Lily, whose family deals with food insecurity, will join Big Bird, Elmo and other favorites on a one-hour prime-time special featuring country star Brad Paisley and his wife Kimberly Williams Paisley called "Growing Hope Against Hunger," to air Oct 9.

The new Muppet will bring awareness to the ongoing hunger struggles that families face in the United States, the show said.

"Food insecurity is a growing and difficult issue for adults to discuss, much less children," the Paisleys said in a statement.
My first instinct was to think "what?  why would you expose kids to that?"  My second was to consider that maybe it's finally the start of a long, slow turn from our obsession with the uber-wealthy via Real Housewives of Whateverwhogivesafuck towards nurturing our empathy, starting with kids,  re: guess what, there's millions of people out there in shitty situations, and exposure to them may somehow benefit them if only we can take a break from our breathless demand that people born on third base get even richer thanks to us, be it My Sweet 16th or any of it's ilk.  I don't wanna be overly dramatic, but as we're breaking the bank to watch Kim Kardashian get married, people are literally starving, so.

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