Saturday, October 01, 2011

Wall Street

I was dismissive of the Wall Street protesters yesterday, but it occurs to me this is somewhat hypocritical on my part since for years I've whined re: the middle class not showing enough outrage at Wall Street. I still doubt they'll have any effect, but I'm glad they're doing it.

via a Sully reader:
I don't see these protesters in the same dismissive way you seem to.  Compare them to the Tea Party-ers.  Yes, some of their tactics are theatrical, and their motive seems to be expression of rage without a whole lot of specific focus.  It's pretty juvenile stuff.  But at least they have identified an actual, real world object of well-deserved anger, not some misguided paranoid fantasy.  It has baffled me that there has been so very little anger expressed by folks towards Wall Street in the last three years.  I don't know what their end game is, but these protesters at least give me some hope that maybe the middle class is waking up and finding its voice.

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