Thursday, October 06, 2011

Well. This is Interesting.

From the Steve Jobs Wikipedia:
Jobs' biological parents – Abdulfattah John Jandali, a Syrian Muslim immigrant to the U.S., who later became a political science professor at the University of Nevada and is presently a vice president of Boomtown Hotel Casino in Reno, Nevada,and Joanne Schieble (later Simpson), an American graduate student of Swiss and German ancestry who went on to become a speech language pathologist – eventually married. 
Hey, whaddya know - Steve Jobs was a fucking Muslim.  We let a snake into our house; anyone who has an iPod or iPad or Mac computer, if you don't throw that shit out right now then that means you hate America, freedom, Jesus, and his scrappy, lovable sidekick, Baby Jesus.  I didn't vote for tax cuts for the rich just so some s-ndn---er could come in and start sucking from America's teat, did you?  This flies in the face of those most noble of Americans: job creators, of which Muslims have no place!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey watch it, my best friend is Muslim and I am one with the baby Jesus and don't hate her or ANY Muslim, 'cept the one who killed my father's singing buddy.