Friday, November 18, 2011

Devil's Advocate

Now McQueary says he did go to the police after the locker room incident; police are saying no such thing happened.

Based on the fact that everybody at every level seem to have played a part in covering this thing up for years and the stranglehold the culture of Joe Pa had over everyone and everything, isn't it possible that McQueary DID go to the police, who after he left decided there's no way in hell they were taking on Joe Pa, Inc. based on some grad assistant, and the report "disappeared"?  Perhaps especially since one might not have been generated anyway:

"Sometimes a tip is given to a sex crimes detective, notes are taken, the witness account is investigated but a report isn't generated, especially if it is determined that no crime occurred," Hostin told CNN. "Since we don't know the circumstances surrounding McQueary's alleged conversations with police, it is impossible to determine what happened. We also don't know what the protocol is at the campus police department and the city police department."
I'm not saying it's likely, but based on what we know so far it certainly seems POSSIBLE.

I think McQueary needs to hire THIS GUY.

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