Wednesday, November 02, 2011

In America

And so Lynndie England goes to jail while Dick Cheney, who authorized most of what she did, gets to peddle a book, go to DC cocktail parties and still be treated as some kind of statesman, as opposed to the war criminal he is. Then too, there's the lack of accountability among almost the entire moneyed crew who wrecked the global economy. And, of course, outside elections and trumped up partisan scandals, government officials also never answer personally for their errors. When they do, like Scooter Libby, the establishment demands for their release or pardon are deafening.

No event requires accountability more than the worst national security failure since Pearl Harbor. And yet 9/11 remains off-limits, when it comes to individual accountability or even serious accounts of how this massive failure occurred - despite evidence that the government had clear signs that an attack was imminent. 
It's called "America."  If you're not clever enough to be a member of the uber-wealthy, you can go fuck yourself.  Dick Cheney's decorated funeral at Arlington will be a tv event; Lynndie England will be lucky to get a job at her local Wal-Mart.  Dick Cheney has probably killed more Americans than Bin Laden, but since we wish we WERE Dick Cheney, ie rich and powerful, he gets a pass.


Marley said...

That's "Amerikkka", stupid.

Kiko Jones said...

On point, X.

Pops said...

Preach it, Brother.