Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Politics 101. You're failing.

Instead of simply letting the protesters lose interest as the winter sets in or do something stupid like burn down a building, Mayor Bloomberg is doing them the biggest favor in the world by acting like an asshole.


Marley said...


"The Man" is bringing you down by interrupting your hairy conga line. Why doe she have to be such an "asshole." Waaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

Bring in the horses, I say.

Xmastime said...

at this point, after 2 months, it makes themmartrs to sympathize for. if he'd done it day 1 it'd be forgotten by now. now if they want the protestors can spend the winter in their warm lofts howling outrage until warm weather returns

Xmastime said...

"makes them martyrs." whatevs!

Marley said...

You don't know what you're talking about. I've been down to the DC one (at McPherson Square and Freedom Plaza). Free hot chow. Good drugs. Constant enegry and buzz. Hairy chicks. Cable hookups. Someone always at the ready to talk "green" cat grooming or hemp power. It's a never ending Burning Man with a cause as its basis.

Snow won't do it. A virulent strain of TB won't do it. They ain't leaving until the man puts them out.

Or the homeless take over and teach the longhairs a thing or two about free love and hierarchy.

Xmastime said...

where's the pics of you there with your monocle/moneybag?

Marley said...

Typical. Both Isabel and I thought the indentured servant had the camera, and then we realized we were there looking for the indentured servant.

We had a good laugh over it back at the club.

Xmastime said...

ARKIVED!!! dying :)