Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Official State of the GOP Clown Race, by Xmastime

By this time next year Republicans will have fallen in line and gotten behind Mitt Romney lock and step for the simple fact that they will finally succumb to it being "his turn."  They might not like him right now because he's not willing to be defiantly stupid, but Romney had the sense to be born into a political family with gobs of money, ie the opposite of that toughest of pills for Republicans of the last 30 years to swallow: the self-made man. That's why they hated Clinton, and why Obama makes them crazy now.  Republicans like to feel that someone has been "ordained" president - as I wrote HERE  a year ago, while they like to pretend to espouse "the American Dream" on the campaign trail, anyone who actually achieves it through their own hard work and intelligence makes them uneasy:
So let Sarah Palin be "Queen" because she "got the call", and let her go around to mall openings and throw out first pitches, and let Obama quietly go about the Senate floor slashing throats and making deals that actually affect lives. This will eliminate our uneasiness with accepting the idea that there might be smarter people than ourselves running things, and we can focus on Baby Jesus having shone his light on so-and-so being our "leader."

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