Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Self-Loathing du Jour, II

Today I was sitting at the GW Bridge waiting for the bus and some old motherfucker dragged his old bones from one side of the bench to the other in front of me, then did so again about two minutes later.  After a third time I didn't bother hiding my aggravation, exhaling loudly while rolling my eyes uncrossing my legs with a stomp.  As I'm doing this I'm like "oh for fuck's sake, asshole; for all you know this dude served in the war, put three kids through college and taught goddam high school for 45 years while serving as church deacon.  You're patting yourself on the back because you recently figured out how long it takes to cook a hard-boiled egg."

Sigh.  Me: I'm really happening, aren't I?

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