Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Self-Loathing du Jour

One of the bigger ways in which I'm a fucking douchebag is whenever I'm walking from the L train to the A train there's a guy passing out AM New York newspapers and I always make sure I say "thank you" each time I grab one, then pat myself on the back for being SO amazingly polite to some guy handing out free tabloids.  I mean, who the fuck do I think I am?  Do I really think this guy's going back to his other tabloid-handing-out colleagues singing the praises about a guy at Union Square who is SO nice to him?  Wtf - is this guy sitting around the campfire singing country-western songs about my largesse?

Ugh.  God forbid I actually become someone or something in this life; my insufferability will be off the fucking charts.  And I don't even think "insufferability" is a real word, that's how bad it'll be.

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