Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thoughts, Barely, by Xmastime

I don't get it when people say "well, at least he died doing what he loves best." What?  How 'bout let me finishing what I love doing so much, THEN die?  If I'm banging twins on top of the Pizza Hut buffet just as they're bringing the meat lovers out, do you really think I'm gonna go "gee, if only I could die right now?" or "ohmygodIhopethisneverfuckingends!!!!"?  Come the fuck on.  If I hafta die, I'd want it to be right before the thing I most HATE doing, so I can get out of doing it.  I think only an asshole would be happy you died while trying to do what you loved, I'd think you'd be better off with them saying "yeah, as soon as he started getting raped by those dudes in bear suits he dropped dead." People are whack.

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