Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Yesterday morning I woke up and found myself watching the Sportscentury episode on Dean Smith, and I got all weepy during the late 70s/80s period; "that's MY ACC!" I whined and moaned. There were even clips of Carolina playing my most beloved and hallowed of all squads, the 1981 UVa team that featured my all-time hero Jeff Lamp along with Lee Raker, Terry Gates, Othell and Ricky and of course Ralph Sampson. I got all misty, picturing myself eating popcorn balls on a Wednesday night as snow fell like crazy and Raycom Sports with Mike Patrick and Dan Bonner had the game coming at me live from U-Hall. Of course, who knows if it was actually like that but that's how I picture it. - XMASTIME
I've mentioned coming of age during the Golden Age of My Beloved ACC millions of times before, and the voice from those years was Mike Patrick (and Dan Bonner), who announced most of them.  Raycom Sports, Jefferson-Pilot, whichever.  When I think back to those great teams and historical players, I hear that voice, and so if I think about Mike Patrick now I assume well, they only roll him out during huge tournament games, or if for some reason the 1981 Cavaliers reunited to play Carolina in a rematch of the Final Four.  Every year I'm slightly shocked the first time I flip to a meaningless Wednesday night game in November, and there that voice is.  Unsettling.

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