Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Burn, Baby Burn!

As I wrote last year, Tennessee has been desperately fighting to gain some recognition as the nation's dumbest state, throwing down the gauntlet by letting someone's house burn down because they hadn't paid the $75 subscription fee to the fire department, who showed up with their big red shiny trucks and watched the house burn to the ground despite the owner trying to give them the $75 on the spot.  And now it's happened for the second time.  There's plenty of WTF? moments in these stories, not the least of which is why the trucks show up in the first place.  Once they've realized "oh, we can't save this house," isn't showing up and watching as if they're at a ball game doubly cruel? Do they also point and laugh?

Moral failure aside, while I have no idea how much fuel a fire truck uses up I'm guessing that a few trucks (note that the homeowner used the plural) even only going a short distance burn up something in the range of $75 worth.  Seems to me once you're there you might as well turn on a goddam hose.

Maybe once this guy is in charge of things, this insanity will end.

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