Monday, December 19, 2011

A Christmas Carol Be Fucking Up My Rhymes

Interesting article HERE on the scary similarities between the 19th century and the time we're presently in, with the absence of the middle class, massive income inequality, and healthcare/general decency towards employees playing the roles of the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Future.
We, the American people, are being Scrooged by such political attitudes that threaten to undo all the progress our society has made since the terrible toll taken on society by runaway industrial capitalism in the 19th century. The post-industrial capitalism of the 21st century is no less a threat...The Scrooges of our political process need to be visited by some ghosts who can remind them what the costs are of failing to create and sustain economic and political processes that reduce poverty and inequality.
I blame Marley!

UPDATE: Marley has asked that he be allowed to respectfully respond to my accusation HERE.

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