Monday, December 12, 2011


I've bitched before HERE about those sad-ass Sarah McLaughlin commercials in which the ASPCA tries to guilt you into adopting a broke-down dog; here we are three and a half years later AND THEY'RE STILL FUCKING PUMPING THEM OUT!!!!  Wtf?  Has ANYone gotten one of these dogs based on those commercials?  "Gee, there's a dog with a noose in it's teeth begging me to hang him - oooh, or should I pick his friend with the dislocated eyeball laying on his back weakly gasping out the tune to I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry!"  For fuck's sake, can we get some happy-looking mutts jumping around catching a frisbee?  Flopping all over each other, giddy?  Every dog I've ever seen in my life, including actual trips to the pound, has had exactly one expression, the same one as every woman I've ever had attend one of my Intimacy Workshops: blithering ecstasy.  For fuck's sake ASPCA, lighten the hell up.  Bad enough the dogs pray for the sweet release that only death can offer, now you're making us do the same.

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