Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Sniffy Bravely Announces She's Not ready to Endorse GOP Candidate Yet Despite Nobody Asking Her or Generally Giving a Shit

Oh, Sniffs....there you go again!
“My endorsement is going to be with sincerity and enthusiasm and I am just not there yet …with the field as it stands. And there’s no need to endorse until that enthusiasm really is within me, in my gut,” Palin said Sunday.
That's SOOOOO weird - I'd also like to get my enthusiasm within her guts!  Hmm.  The Universe, eh? I mean, as Ned Ryerson would say, am I right or am I right? Or am I right? Am I right?

"A gobba wobba cvhhfhjked  ufgpogpb  ajnanaahhjkhjkh  2%%666  kkjdksjdjkkjjjokddhchy!"

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