Tuesday, December 13, 2011

These are Watty Days

As Watty knocked me out of my Fantasy League Football playoffs last night (eff the goddam Cobras!), I will dedicate the next 105 minutes on Xmastime to him, starting with my discovering he used to be a young adult literature cover model:
My senior year of play college, as an English major preparing to teach, I took a class called Literature for Young Adults. It was a great class; not only discussing the theoretical philosophies of do kids read and what should they read, but our book list was, in fact, books for teenagers. The Chosen. Fallen Angels. Man Without a Face (slice). Going Home. A Day No Pigs Would Die (SUPER slice.) Father Figure. Children of the River. Fade (Cormier!) The Pigman. And some others I can’t remember/don’t care about.

SIDE NOTE: Just found the paper I wrote on The Chosen from that class. At least I was a bit self-aware about my ignorance of Judaism:
Everything I’ve ever learned about Jewish people has come from a Billy Crystal album, coupled with my brother having a Jewish roommate everybody calls “JewMoney” and a few jokes I am reticent to recite here when a grade hangs so closely in the balance.
Tho in reading this paper as compared to ones I wrote for some of the other books, I was definitely way into this book - thanks to the pulling of the two boys towards each other despite their differences as well as the heaviness of the religion throughout, which was probably appealing to me at the time. I’m looking forward to reading it again, I must say.

In the meantime, I will now list my professor’s hand-written notes alongside my paper:

Yes, a glossary would be helpful
Good insight!
How enlightened… (obviously sarcastic)
Good point
Envy is never pretty
Interesting connection
You have a great future writing blurbs

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