Monday, December 12, 2011

Your'e Goddam Right I Looked

4) You ever see a pizza box laying on the ground and think "hey…I wonder if there’s a slice in there"? Hell, for all you know there’s a whole pie in there. Maybe people leave full pies on the sidewalk and observe to see who looks in – if you’re the one that looks, free pizza! Of course I never do, as I know that the second I decide to start opening up trash in the middle of the street looking for food every girl I’ve ever had a crush on will turn the corner and be staring at me, but it’s really starting to gnaw away at me that I’m walking past all these empty pizza boxes that could be filled with pizzas all this time. - XMASTIME



Pizza Lovin' F- .... aw fuckit said...

Found pizza? They have a name for that: Litter

^ Check the link.

Pizza Foo' said...

Jesus Christ, I fucked up the link.

Here, try again...