Wednesday, January 04, 2012

2012: Highlights So Far

1. Discovering Downton Abbey
2. Zinging Bib Bear when he was showing me his karate moves: "That's not karate, that's dancing."
3. The Jets not only losing, but in a disgraceful way

Not bad, am I right?  2012 is already better than 2011.


Marley said...

I am sooo Downton Abbey - just finsihed episode 3 swith the wife and daughter. And yes, the Jets flameout was awesome. Rex Ryan is a fat-mouthed turd. I'd add BadAss Obama not only authorizing indefinite detention of American citizens, but inserting the language that codifies it (the Bush folks felt they could do it without the express language), and then denying it also makes this year a bit special already. I'm pretty sure Obama gave Chavez cancer, and maybe that Argentinian too.

Xmastime said...

I gotta get my mitts on the final episode before Sunday. "Marley's people" ;) Intoxicating!!!