Thursday, January 26, 2012

At Da Wal-Marts

Wal-Mart is apparently laying off their night-shift supercenter greeters. Wal-Mart is the biggest employer in the nation and the world's biggest retailer, gets a shit-ton of tax breaks and presumably has a small army of lawyers who work 24/7 to shave down their tax rate as much as possible, has most of their goods made in China for about a nickel a year, made $103B last year, and yet isn't interested in keeping on about 3,000 employees making a coupla bucks an hour for whom that money makes enough of a difference in their lives they're willing to work nights at Wal-Mart. I'm not saying Wal-Mart needs to be running a charity, but if this isn't a sign that the whole "gee, if we only kept their taxes low, they'd nobly create jobs for people!" line we're supposed to be falling for is absolute bullshit then I really don't know what is.

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