Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Oh goody, I guess now you can have your dick chopped off by pizza.  That's great.  Thanks a fucking lot.Not really comforting for my fear of shacing naked:
8) Another fear is I can’t shave naked. I’m always terrified I’m gonna drop the razor and chop my dick off. Seems rational, no? Like it's a little guillotine, chop!

It’s not like I’m using this:

I am of course using this:

Reckon if I wanted to have my dick chopped off I'd get a girlfriend.*

* spoken by someone who hasn't had a girlfriend in 11 16  years. I AM SO ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On a side note, that Things Are Good have my classic "let 'em all be gay, more chicks for me" riff.  You're welcome, Earth.

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