Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Christ Be Creepy

The other day I made a joke that Teebow vs. Brady this Sunday will prove once and for all which qb God loves the most (I'm guessing he'll fucking break for Brady just like fucking always); it never occurred to me that Teebow's 316 passing yards of course were Biblical.  That is kinda whack.



Pops said...

As I enjoyed posting all over Facebook after everyone started preparing for the rapture brought on by Tebow throwing 316 yards:

Aaron Rodgers (Week 6), Matt Ryan (Week 11), and Ryan Fitzpatrick (Week 15) all had 316 yards passing in their respective games.

Marley said...

Yes, but they can pass. Ryan, however, just can't win a playoff game, and Fitzpatrick - well, who goes Ivy League for QB?