Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Cos!

As you well know, I've always loved me some Bill Cosby.  Whether it being that playing him Bill Cosby: Himself was the only time I ever saw my dad laugh uproariously, or listening to his classic records in Mr. Russell's class in the 7th grade, or him being directly responsible for an original Mrs. Xmastime, he is and will forever be an Xmastime All-Star, number retied and hanging from the rafters.  So it's great to see a fuss being made of this being his 50th year in show business, starting with the New York Times.

Oh yeah - and the pilot episode of The Cosby Show is the greatest sitcom pilot of all time and includes one of if not the greatest scene of all time.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Probably my fave Cosby Show scene...