Thursday, January 05, 2012


Longtime Xmastime buddies Serge & Monica's house burned down yesterday.  I've noted before that if it wasn't for Monica's The Girl Who there never woulda been an Xmastime; however, it's time to put aside your anger towards her over that fact and mosey over to THIS WEBSITE, an emergency fundraiser.  Either give some $crillah, or the pictures of me at the public baths will start appearing here regularly again.  It's your decision.

ps - obviously everyone's okay; otherwise I woulda started out with something wildly inappropriate like "heeeeeey, Monica's single, time for me to stock up on Canoe cologne!", but I took the high road instead.  You're quite welcome (but don't start that "Xmastime's a hero" bullshit.)

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Glad to hear they're ok.