Friday, January 20, 2012

Full Circle

The 7th Grade was like the 1960's to me and my classmates: seemingly endless, every moment was hyper-important, and everything had changed by the end of it. And some days Mr. Russell would say fuck it, and put on a Bill Cosby record to let us relax and laugh to. My favorite was always The Chicken Heart. Gotdam I love Bill Cosby. - XMASTIME
Until I read The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, it never occurred to me that Lights Out was a real radio horror show from the 1930's and The Chicken Heart was an actual episode of it (based on genius/whackadoodle Alexis Carrel's claim of having created immortal chicken cells.)  Trippy.

Enjoy Part I of the all-time Cosby riff below - incredibly, you can listen to the original he based it on HERE. What the fuck did we do before The Prince of Tennessee invented the internet?

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