Thursday, January 26, 2012

The GOP Presidential Race

Fidel Castro is not a fan:
The Republican presidential race is “the greatest competition of idiocy and ignorance that has ever been,” former Cuban president Fidel Castro wrote in an opinion piece on Wednesday. 
Castro made his comments in his latest column of “reflections” on a Cuban government website, attacking the Republican candidates two days after their debate in Florida.
You know what? Castro can go eat a bag of commie dicks; he wouldn't know a great tv show if it bit him in the ass.  This is by far the best season of any show since Season 4 of Seinfeld, the last great show that was "about nothing," and this jerkoff is whining.  In his defense, maybe he's just no "getting it", and perhaps when this season streams on Netflix he'll be able to watch it at his own speed and appreciate it more.

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