Thursday, January 26, 2012

Here We Go Again

This is interesting:

The Federal Reserve has moved closer to embarking on a new round of its controversial money-pumping after the central bank and its chairman Ben Bernanke highlighted a grim outlook for the U.S. economy.
Of course this shouldn't be controversial at all since math is math and economics is economics, but of course this will be seen as Obama's Socialist spending $$$$ on Welfare Queens, so. Oh, here we go:
It remains to be seen if the potential political backlash proves too daunting.
Of course, QE3 won't happen because we need to make sure the people that a continuing recession would most destroy are fooled enough by the people for whom it's continuation would most benefit are made happy; I eagerly await Joe the Plumber's outrage over some Wall Street Hedge Funder being made to pay a $50 application fee to buy Joe's foreclosed home.   Fun to watch.

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