Friday, January 13, 2012


It's tuff to think what I got from him - he was a sober, serious man whom I saw laugh out loud exactly once, while I'm a fucking ass-clown.  - XMASTIME
I've mentioned several times throughout this site my memories of watching the Masterpiece Theatre presentation of The Irish RM as a little kid, during which I'd get maybe 5% of the humor but would laugh along, bewildered, while my dad laughed uproariously. - XMASTIME
One thing about Downton Abbey is that in looking at it today I'd have no problem believing it was produced in 1983, the same year The Irish RM was on; now here I am, only slightly younger than my dad was at the time, and I'm laughing/crying uproariously at it.  I guess Downton Abbey, after all these years, is MY Irish RM.

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