Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mitt's W-2

I don't understand the uproar over Mitt Romney releasing/not releasing his tax forms.  What're we all expecting - to be surprised?  Is there anyone with half a brain and a television that doesn't know that Mitt Romoney makes more money in a year doing absolutely nothing than you and the next hundred people you know will make in your lifetimes working 40 hours a week? Are we worried he'll release his tax forms and we'll collectively gasp "ohmygod - he's rich!!!!"?

The GOP needs to stop pretending he's not their wet dream, since in their minds Mitt Romney made his money (John Housman voice here) the old-fashioned, American Dream way: he was born into it, and then made even more by using it to screw over people less fortunate than himself, all while leading the league in tax breaks.  Where's the dilemma? Why are they pretending they're gonna be upset to find out he has a shit-ton of money?

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