Friday, January 13, 2012

Quasi-Modest Proposalesque

Sully seems to think this whole Bane stuff is Romney's achilles heel.

To play devil's advocate, let me just say: at some point, someone's gonna hafta explain to me how this whole Bain business is supposed to be such a turn-off to Republican voters - shouldn't his Bain background be exactly the reason WHY they want him to be president?  If he did that in the private sector, isn't that a sign of what he could do to that evil, scurrilous public sector - rip it to shreds down to it's bare bones, making a shit-ton of money for his buddies the same that the Iraq war was set up to make gazillions for Bush's buddies, until finally the Federal Government is completely busted, nothing but rubble?  Why isn't this perfect for these people? Suddenly they've all got guilty consciences and don't like super-rich political legacies whose skills are perfect for what it is they exactly want?  Huh?  Of course I'M horrified at the thought of this - I'm a pinko commie faggot leftie.  But he should be a wet dream to them.

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