Monday, January 09, 2012


You know the old saying: Trust the art, not the artist. I think that’s true. I think somebody can do real good work and be a fool in a variety of ways. I think my music is probably better than I am. I mean, like, your music is your ideals a lot of times, and you don’t live up to those ideals all the time. You try, but you fall short and you disappoint yourself. With my idols, I just like their music. - Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen
While I have no idea how she thinks Peanuts could've ended the Vietnam War, Alyssa Rosenberg is 100% right re: how depressing it is to read David Michaelis' fantastic book and find out Charles M. Schultz could be as much of a passive-aggressive, aloof prick as anyone else.  Even at my age and knowing to not expect too much from your heroes upon getting to know them, Schulz caught me off guard.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Did I give you back this book? Hm.