Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sniffy Wiffy Opens Mouth, Says Some Stupid Shit, Sun Rises Then Goes Away

I mentioned earlier that Newt's wife coming out with the news that he asked for her blessing to continue fucking some woman on the side will only propel him into being labeled as that most hallowed of Republican Virtues, "The Victim"; now the Babe Ruth of Victimhood has come out swing for him:
I call them dumbarses. They, thinking that by trotting out this old Gingrich divorce interview that’s old news — and it does feature a disgruntled ex, claiming that it would destroy his campaign — all it does, Sean, is incentive conservatives and independents who are so sick of the politics of personal destruction, because it’s played so selectively by media, that their target, in this case Newt, he’s now going to soar even more. Because we know the game now, and we just won’t put up with it.
So, good call media! Way to go to covertly hype this, even Gingrich opponents, for being so brilliant they sure are dumb. 
All of this is worth it simply because, as the post points out, she once again announces that, you know, "“I have a degree” in journalism, she reminded Hannity" Awesome. Has anyone ever made so much noise over less? Palin yammering about her journalism degree making her an expert on the media is like the Jets banging away that two unsuccessful trips to the AFC title game somehow makes them world champions.  Shut the fuck up already.

"A gobba wobba cvhhfhjked  ufgpogpb  ajnanaahhjkhjkh  2%%666  kkjdksjdjkkjjjokddhchy!"

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